
Floor renovation at Toms Chocolate Factory

Alexander Ibsen, Partner i IVB, Master i skat, LL.M, cand.merc.(jur.)

Mamoba ApS

May 22, 2024
Floor renovation at Toms Chocolate Factory
Service: Renovation of custom floors

Extensive Renovation of the Production Floor

The challenge

Toms Chocolate Factory faced a major challenge with one of their production floors, which after many years of intensive use was in need of extensive renovation. The existing floor was worn and inadequate for the current needs of the factory, especially in terms of hygiene and durability.

The solution

Mamoba was brought in to carry out this important renovation, which included several critical steps to ensure a long-lasting result and an improved production environment.

Removing the Old Floor

The renovation process began by chopping up the old floor. This was necessary to remove the old and defective drain pipes and manholes that no longer met the factory’s requirements for functionality and hygiene.

Installation of New Drains and Manholes

After removing the old floor and drainage structures, new, modern drainage pipes and manholes were installed. These were specifically designed to handle the heavy load from the factory’s production and improve the efficiency and safety of the drainage system.

Casting a New Floor

The next step was pouring a new floor, where great attention was paid to the installation of customised Blücher gutters. These gutters are known for their durability and ability to withstand the rigours of a food production facility like Tom’s Chocolate Factory.

Application of a Durable and Sugar-resistant Coating

As the final step in the renovation process, a highly durable and sugar-resistant coating was applied that also acts as a membrane. This coating was carefully selected for its ability to withstand the aggressive environments of chocolate production, including exposure to sugar and other ingredients that can be harmful to less robust materials.

The result

The renovated floor at Tom’s Chocolate Factory met all expectations and delivered a robust, hygienic and functional floor that can withstand the daily stresses and loads of the factory. The renovation not only improved the factory’s operational efficiency, but also the working environment, ensuring a more productive and safe workplace for employees.

Mamoba’s Commitment

This project illustrates Mamoba’s ability to deliver high-quality industrial solutions that meet specific needs in the food industry. Our dedication to using the best materials and techniques ensures that our customers’ facilities remain functional, safe and productive over time.

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